Driver Friendly DOT Physical Exam in Monroe

At Lahman Chiropractic, the needs of the patient are always put first, so if you're looking for a DOT physical in Monroe, you’ve come to the right place. Not only will you get a thorough exam from a certified examiner, but you'll also learn how to make healthier choices for a more balanced life.
- DOT driver exams: As part of our dedication to comprehensive patient care, Lahman Chiropractic offers DOT exams for commercial driver’s licenses and physicals for drivers who don’t require a CDL but who haul enough weight to require a DOT exam.
- DOT drug testing: A basic DOT exam does not include drug testing, but it can be performed at the same time as your regular exam if it’s required by your company. Drug testing requires a separate test and is not included in the cost of a basic DOT exam. Currently, we do not provide breath alcohol testing. Should you receive a letter from the DOT requesting breath alcohol, you will be responsible for finding a clinic that can.
- Pain management: We’ve seen lots of repetitive strain injuries in the drivers that have come through our clinic. On top of DOT exams for drivers, we also offer regular chiropractic services to help relieve pain a provide overall wellness.
To prepare for the exam, compile all your medical records, put together a list of any medical conditions you’ve been diagnosed with, prepare a list of medications and the name of the prescribing doctor, and take note of any medical devices that you require.
On the day of the exam, you'll have to bring all of this with you. Here's a checklist of things you should bring (where applicable):
- Photo identification
- Medical records
- List of medications, including strength and dosage, for both prescription and over-the counter drugs
- Eye glasses
- Hearing aids
- Copy of your most recent stress test or medical release (for heart conditions, major medical issues, surgery)
- Copy of your latest sleep test result (for sleep apnea)
Right before your exam: Make sure you drink a glass of water and come in with a full bladder, as you will have to provide a urine sample.
Stop in or call our team in advance to book an appointment. Our staff is ready to answer any questions!
7:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Lahman Chiropractic
1419 9th Street
Monroe, WI 53566
(608) 325-2626